Outdoor Tennis and Pickleball Strategy The City of Ottawa is offering public consultations (virtually) regarding Outdoor Tennis and Pickleball. Pickleball is currently the fastest growing sport in North America. As such, demand for court space is steadily increasing across Ottawa, while tennis continues to be a well-loved sport in our community. The City has identified …
Tag: Engage Ottawa
Permanent link to this article: https://www.conventglenorleanswood.com/december-2023-newsletter/
Nov 05
November 2022 Newsletter
Santa’s Parade of Lights On November 26th we welcome back Santa’s Parade of Lights in Orléans! This event is hosted by the Ottawa Professional Firefighters Association. The parade will start at 6pm at Youville and St-Joseph and will run along St-Joseph Boulevard to Prestone Drive. You can learn more on the Parade of Lights website or by checking …
Permanent link to this article: https://www.conventglenorleanswood.com/november-2022-newsletter/
May 01
May 2022 Newsletter
Dog Walkathon a Success! Thank you to everyone who came out for our 4th annual Dog Walkathon on April 30th to raise funds for the Canadian Cancer Society! We surpassed our goal and raised over $1,700! Thanks to Trinity Physio and Barber Stop for their generous donations. Tick Bite Prevention As we start to spend more …
Permanent link to this article: https://www.conventglenorleanswood.com/may-2022-newsletter/
Oct 10
October 2021 Newsletter
Participate in Ecology Ottawa’s Fall Bioblitz Join us this long weekend, October 8th to 11th, for our second fall bioblitz! What is a Bioblitz? It’s a community event that highlights the importance of citizen-science, where the effort is to record as many species possible. The goal is to collect as many natural observations as you …
Permanent link to this article: https://www.conventglenorleanswood.com/october-2021-newsletter/
Jan 09
January 2021 Newsletter
Happy New Year! The Convent Glen-Orléans Wood Community Association wishes everyone a heartfelt Happy New Year. Given the challenges we’ve lived through in 2020, we are all eager to see the finish line of the Covid-19 pandemic. Despite the vaccines that are starting to be given to front-line workers and high-risk groups, we all need …
Permanent link to this article: https://www.conventglenorleanswood.com/january-2021-newsletter/