Attend an Association Board Meeting Maybe you’re curious about what happens at board meetings or are not sure about getting involved. Come on out and join us! The next regular meeting of the CGOWCA volunteer Board of Directors is on June 10, 2024. The meeting is virtual. If you would like to attend, email …
Tag: bbq
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Jun 29
Summer 2019 Newsletter
Eat, Drink and be Merry: Dinner Under the Stars – A fundraiser for the Heart of Orléans BIA. Saturday August 17th at 6pm at Orleans Fruit Farm. More details to come from the BIA. CGOWCA is organizing a Community BBQ on Saturday July 20th from 11:30am to 1:30pm in the parking lot of the Convent …
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Jun 01
June 2019 Newsletter
My Experience Sandbagging Guest contributor: Louise McLaren Two years ago, I had a job loss. So, when the news announced Cumberland needed volunteers on a wet and rainy Friday, I went. I thought if I do not get a job, I would want people to help me keep my house. I helped build up and tear …
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