Summer 2024 Newsletter

person grilling hamburgers and hot dogs

Community BBQ – coming in September!

Save the date! The CGOWCA Annual Community BBQ will take place on Sunday September 8th in the Convent Glen Plaza parking lot by the Golden Fries food truck. More details to follow in the September newsletter.

Repair Café Recap

Gillian Cantello, CGOWCA Environment Committee

On June 2nd, the CGOWCA Environment Committee hosted Orleans’ first ever Repair Cafe at the Orleans United Church on Orleans Boulevard. It was so successful; we hope to make it an annual event. Repair cafes originated in the Netherlands in 2007 and are an important way for communities to reduce their carbon footprint.

At our Repair Cafe, volunteer fixers and menders from our community assisted other community members with the repair of bikes, computers, household items and textiles. In total, 56 broken items were brought in, the large majority of which were repaired on site. It was a fabulous example of neighbours helping neighbours and a wonderful opportunity to share valuable skills and knowledge, while keeping broken items and worn clothing out of our landfills. At the event, visitors were treated to coffee, tea, and tasty baked goods lovingly made by members of the CGOWCA Environment Committee.

The repairers were:

  1. Sewists: Denise Jean, Maria Fleming and Raewyn Khosla
  2. Bike repairers: John Gibson of re-Cycles used bicycle shop and Sean Wilson
  3. Computer repairers: Paul Begin and Charlie Cox of the Community Computer Refurbishment Program
  4. General repairers: John Looper; Claude Phaneuf; Matthieu St-Arnaud; James McGuire and Stephen Delahunt

All the repairers went above and beyond to fix whatever item happened to be brought to their table.

Many thanks to the Orleans United Church, who made sure that volunteers and visitors had everything they needed before, during and after the event. Also, a big thank you to the Repair Cafe sponsors: Tebcal Cleaners, Crowne Pointe Animal Hospital, and Art of Bean Coffee Shop. It could not have been possible without their generous support.

A group of 5 people sitting around a board room table. They have papers and pens on the table. There is a flip chart in the back that they've been drawing on.

Consider Joining the CGOWCA Board!

September is the month when the CGOWCA meets to host our Annual General Meeting.  Both to review what was accomplished in the last year and to look ahead to what’s next.  One of the pieces of business each year is to elect the volunteer Board of Directors.   The CGOWCA needs YOU!

What are the responsibilities of a board member?  The main ask is that you attend monthly board meetings (virtual) and contribute to discussions and decision-making regarding events, advocacy and more. 

Once you feel more comfortable with the basics, Board Members are encouraged to help organize an event (like the Community BBQ or the Winter Carnival) or to lead something that is meaningful to you.  The Dog Walkathon was spearheaded by a former board member.  So was the free Yoga in the Park!  Maybe you have a cause or activity that is your jam that you’d like to share with your neighbours?

Other ways to support the work of the Board are to take on an executive role such as Secretary or Treasurer which involves some work before, after or in between board meetings.  Or maybe you have amazing people skills, and you’d like to coordinate other volunteers who are helping at events.  Or are you connected to local businesses and able to seek out sponsorships for events or ongoing work of the Association? 

There are many options!  If any of these ideas sound interesting, please reach out to the Board at to let them know and start a conversation.

Graphic that reads: Convent Glen-Orléans Wood Community Association Fundraiser Promo Code: CGOWCA

Atlético Ottawa

We are offering discounted tickets to Atlético Ottawa home games.  Tickets are to be purchased using this link:

Photograph of a group of people doing yoga outdoors in a park (not taken from an actual CGOWCA event)

Yoga in the Park

Join us for another year of free outdoor yoga close to home!  Every Wednesday evening in July and August, there will be a session (weather permitting).   If there are cancellations due to weather conditions, updates are posted on the CGOWCA Facebook group. 

Photograph showing two people cycling on a protected bike lane that runs along a road.

Active Transportation Survey for Orléans North

Matthieu Gagnon, Director at Large, CGOWCA Board

I joined the CGOWCA board last fall with the goal of helping the community transition to the vision outlined in the Ottawa official plans. The plans, especially the Transportation Master and the Orléans Corridor Secondary Plan (pending final approval) have the potential to bring a lot of positive changes to our community by making it more affordable, safer and more accessible and improve livability while improving the financial position of the city. One of the goals of these plans is the move away from car transportation towards other modes of transportation such as public transportation and active transportation.

Active transportation is actively tied to a lot of issues that we face today. Many housing developments are stopped because of concerns over traffic and parking. The cost of car ownership, estimated at an average over $1300 per month per car and rising by Ratehub, is an important factor in cost of living if people do not have viable alternatives. City finances are decimated by the cost of car infrastructure and the spread of our city. Active transportation can also have significant impacts on public health and help mitigate climate change. Children are often prevented from playing outside because of the danger of cars and are unable to go anywhere because it is not safe to do so. There are many reasons to enable active transportation.

In anticipation of budget conversations over the summer into the fall, I decided that it would be a good idea to gather data on active transportation habits, desires and opinions within the community. The city and Councillors need data to support their budget demands and priorities. I designed a short survey to get a sense of how people see and experience active transportation in our community. I also seek input on how to improve the experience for those who already use active transportation and identify issues that prevent people from doing so. 

Orléans North Active Transportation Survey

The survey is designed to be filled out by individual users and not households. If you are interested in sharing your opinion on active transportation, it would be best to fill out the survey for every member of your household including children which is why the survey does not require any identifiable information. I plan on using email addresses (for those who choose to provide them) to mobilize engagement on various projects that will emerge in Orléans.

If you are interested in active transportation and urbanist issues in Orléans, I have a blog that I use to formulate and communicate my opinions on various topics. I have a series on active transportation in the north of Orléans focused on four priorities:

I look forward to working with the community to help improve the active transportation experience in Orléans. 

aerial photo of interprovincial bridges crossing the Ottawa river / photo aérienne des ponts interprovinciaux traversant la rivière des Outaouais

CGOWCA Bridge Committee Update

After having had to contend with several unforeseen setbacks, we are more than pleased to announce that our new website: is up and running and contains the latest information available to us. Please visit it and tell us what you think!

You can reach the Bridge Committee at You are welcome to add your name to our database so that we can better keep you in the loop. Here’s to a great summer and a bridge-free future!

a photo of about 30 coins stacked vertically so you can see the edges of the coins with their ridges. The coins are silver in colour but a few look tarnished and have a more copper colour. There is a blurry background showing a clock behind the stack of coins.

City Budget Survey

From the Newsletter of Councillor Laura Dudas

While many of us are still making plans for what to do this summer with the family, this is also the time that City departments begin to draft their proposed budgets for the next year. The summer is when staff shift gears and gather projections on what funding and budgets, as well as identify evolving needs, whether it be City services, infrastructure upgrades, transportation improvements or maintenance.

As this work is just starting, I want to hear from you. I want to hear about your priorities as we look ahead to 2025, ensuring that I am fighting for the things our community needs and deserves. Please take the time to fill in the survey on my website and let me know what matters most to you.

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