Registration is now open for the fall Cleaning the Capital campaign
Nothing is more spectacular than the fall colours in and around Ottawa. This September, help make those views in your community even more enjoyable by registering for Cleaning the Capital.
Thanks to nearly 37,000 participants, the spring campaign was a big success with over 970 projects registered and approximately 30,000 kilograms of waste collected. Since Cleaning the Capital began in 1994, over 1.4 million volunteers have participated, and it is estimated that over 1,000,000 kilograms of waste has been removed from our public spaces.
Registration is now open until Sunday, October 1 and can be easily done online. You can choose from a variety of public spaces to help clean up, such as community parks, roadsides, and shorelines.
Here are some important dates for the fall campaign:
- Tuesday, August 15: Registration opens
- Friday, September 15 to Sunday, October 15: Fall Cleaning the Capital campaign
- Sunday, October 1: Registration closes
- Tuesday, October 31: Deadline to submit your online cleanup report
Starter cleanup kits are available upon request. To learn more about the campaign or register your project, visit ottawa.ca/clean.

Community BBQ – September 10
Join us on September 10, 2023, between 11 and 2 for our annual free community BBQ! Golden Fries will be serving lunch, the Girl Guides will host a craft and games table, we’ll have amazing face painting and more.
Find out more on our Facebook event page or write to us at mailto:conventglenorleanswood@gmail.com.

CGOWCA Annual General Meeting – September 18
The Annual General Meeting of the Convent Glen Orléans Wood Community Association will take place in-person (Orléans Wood room at Bob MacQuarrie Recreation Complex) and virtually (on Zoom) on Monday, September 18, 2022, at 7p.m. We are pleased to welcome Lili Miller of Indigenous Roots Orléans as our guest speaker.
It is during the AGM that we elect our board members. Two of our board members will begin the second year of their term and three of them will be up for re-election, should they choose.
We are always open to new members joining the board! If you are interested and/or have questions, please write to us at conventglenorleanswood@gmail.com. Interested parties can self-nominate during the AGM, and general members will vote to accept the new members of the board. If you are unable to attend the AGM but would like to nominate yourself, you can do so in writing ahead of the meeting. All residents of Convent Glen and Orléans Wood aged 18 years and over are considered members of the association and have the right to vote at the AGM. Read our bylaws to learn more about our processes.

2023 Cancer Chase – September 24
This year, the Blackburn Hamlet Community Association (BCA) and the Convent Glen Orléans Wood Community Association (CGOWCA) are working together to host the Cancer Chase 2023.
Date: Sunday, September 24th
Location: 975 Orleans Boulevard, near Cairine Wilson High School in Convent Glen.
Activity: 5k walk/run along the Ottawa River and fun for the whole family including a Silent Auction, Raffle and Fun Zone that includes a selfie station. Ottawa Fire Services will be on site allowing young and old to see a Fire Truck up close!
All funds from the Cancer Chase event go directly to cancer research at the Ottawa Hospital via the Ottawa Hospital Foundation (OHF). Last year more than 170 people attended and helped raise over $15,000. The Cancer Chase event has become a vibrant community event that can be enjoyed by the entire family while at the same time supporting a worthwhile cause. This year’s theme is “Chase the Cure”.
How can you help?
- Register for the 5k run/walk: https://tohf.crowdchange.co/33667
- Make a cash donation: https://tohf.crowdchange.co/33667
- Donate a service or product for the Silent Auction, participant swag bags or raffle (contact Don Kelly at safety@blackburnhamlet.ca)

CGOWCA Bridge Committee Update
Our door-to-door campaign is continuing, and the response from residents continues to be encouraging: the vast majority express firm opposition to the idea of an Ottawa River bridge between Orleans and Greens Creek whose access road would carve up the Greenbelt. The campaign will enter a new phase in September.
Testing of the riverbed, conducted earlier at McLaurin Bay and Lower Duck Island, has moved to Kettle Island, suggesting that the latter location remains an option under active consideration.
We will have an information table at the upcoming CGOWCA BBQ, so please be sure to drop by, get to know us, and get the latest news.
As always, you can turn to our website www.orleansbridge.ca for information. You can contact us at cgnbridgecommittee@gmail.com.

Orléans Parkrun Needs YOU!
Since Parkrun came to Convent Glen / Orléans Wood in 2019, they’ve offered over 150 timed 5k races for runners, joggers, and walkers of all ages. The events take place on Saturday mornings and the start and finish lines are at the beginning of the pathway at the end of Orléans Blvd. They are in need of volunteers! There are a variety of roles and lots more information here: https://www.parkrun.ca/orleans/volunteer/
How to get involved
- In advance: If you know in advance that you would like to volunteer (either the next weekend or a future date) please email orleans@parkrun.com and we will be in touch – we’d love to hear from you! Please include your full name and, if you know it, your parkrun ID found on your barcode.
- On the day: If you’re not sure of your weekend plans and don’t want to commit in advance, just turn up and talk to the volunteers when you arrive – we can never have too many volunteers!
- Interested in volunteering regularly? You can sign up to receive volunteering emails in your parkrun profile, which you can find here.
Register: If you’ve not yet registered for parkrun, please register here, you can then keep track of your parkrun progress as you work towards the various milestones. You do not need to register separately for volunteering.