Annual General Meeting for the Convent Glen Orléans Wood Community Association
Please join us virtually on Monday, September 27th at 7pm for the Annual General Meeting (AGM).
On the agenda:
- A presentation from the LRT Stage 2 team
- An overview of the Community Association’s activities and finances over the past year
- The election of our board members
Have questions about the LRT? Share them with us by sending an email to conventglenorleanswood@gmail.com and we’ll pass them along to the Stage 2 team.
Interested in joining the board? Let us know by sending an email to conventglenorleanswood@gmail.com. Make sure you are part of our catchment area, which is bordered by the Greenbelt to the west, the Ottawa River to the north, Champlain St. to the east and St. Joseph Blvd. to the south
You can find out more about the association on our website: https://www.conventglenorleanswood.com/
Register here for the zoom link to participate in the AGM: https://bit.ly/391EZ22

Local Events Calendars Worth a Look
Looking for something to do in our area? Wondering what virtual event options are out there? Here are a few events calendars run by local agencies:
- Eastern Ottawa Resource Centre: https://eorc-creo.ca/calendar/ Events posted for most week days during the day. Options in both French and English. Events are free.
- Orléans-Cumberland Community Resource Centre: https://events-evenements.crcoc.ca/event-evenement/ Events for all ages. Options in both French and English. Some in-person events are included. Events are free.
- The Heart of Orléans BIA: https://heartoforleans.ca/news/ Several events posted per month. Postings include events hosted by other organizations and festivals. Some training opportunities and workshops are included.
- Shenkman Arts Centre: https://shenkmanarts.ca/en/eventsMost events have a cost, but many are less than $20 per ticket. Options in both French and English.

Covid-19 Updates
As always, it’s important to get facts about the pandemic and current public health measures from reliable sources. Ottawa Public Health has a wealth of information.
- Covid-19 Vaccines: https://www.ottawapublichealth.ca/en/public-health-topics/covid-19-vaccine.aspx
- The Daily Covid-19 Dashboard (for statistics and trends on cases): https://www.ottawapublichealth.ca/en/reports-research-and-statistics/daily-covid19-dashboard.aspx
- Ottawa Public Health has partnered with the Ottawa Neighbourhood Study to provide neighbourhood level data about Covid-19 cases, testing, percent positivity, and vaccination coverage: https://www.neighbourhoodstudy.ca/dashboards-2/