Annual Community BBQ
Wow, we had a wonderful time at our BBQ on September 10! It was lovely to see so many of our neighbours come out and participate. A big thank you to Golden Fries, Trinity Physio, Allegro Music School, Metro Convent Glen, and Councillor Laura Dudas for your support. See you all next year!

Where to get LRT Construction Information
During the last month, our neighbourhood has noticed increasing visible impacts on our day-to-day lives as the LRT phase 2 construction evolves. The Convent Glen Orléans Wood Community Association Board members often see our neighbours raising concerns on the local Facebook group. Unfortunately, this forum isn’t likely to result in changes although it may feel good in the moment to vent with one another.
Where can you find accurate information about the project?
The first step is to go to: https://ottawa.ca/en/planning-development-and-construction/major-projects/stage-2-light-rail-transit-project. On the landing page, you’ll see information about the three current LRT construction projects. Go to the O-Train East Extension page and there, you’ll get the key information specific to our neighbourhoods. You’ll find images and descriptions of stations. You’ll find information about upcoming work if you want to know what is next. You’ll see a section called “What’s happening” that focusses on current impacts.
You can sign up for a Project Newsletter or view the newsletter archive on this page as well.
Where do you send concerns or complaints?
Share your feedback with the project team at stage2@ottawa.ca and include our Councillor, Laura Dudas Laura.Dudas@ottawa.ca

CGOWCA Bridge Committee Update
We at the CGOWCA Bridge Committee want to be sure that we are communicating with the public, politicians, and decision-makers as effectively as possible and, to that end, we have just formed a Communications Sub-Committee that will devote itself to this task.
Speaking of appreciating committees…
Marie-France Lalonde, federal MP for Orleans, was kind enough to attend the recent Annual General Meeting of the Convent Glen – Orleans Wood Community Association. Her presence was very welcome, particularly because she spoke favourably of the work of the Bridge Committee and went so far as to encourage the community to support the Bridge Committee in opposing a new east-end bridge over the Ottawa River! It is impossible to overstate how much we appreciate this support.
Thank you, Marie-France!
MP Lalonde also shared with us that the next milestone to do with the bridge will come next spring, when Public Works and Procurement Canada will make a recommendation to the National Capital Commission (based on the findings of the Refresh Study, geotechnical and transportation studies) whether and/or where to build an east-end interprovincial bridge. We, of course, fervently hope that the recommendation will be “No,” and this outcome is made more likely by the Treasury Board call to cut federal government spending by $15.4 billion over the next five years.
As always, you can go to our website https://www.conventglenorleanswood.com/interprovincial-crossing/ for information. We may be contacted at cgnbridgecommittee@gmail.com.

Upcoming “Talk Climate to Me” Sessions for Convent Glen-Orleans Wood
Residents of Convent Glen and Orleans Wood are invited to attend three upcoming training sessions about climate change. Talk Climate to Me is a “fun, free, unscary, online, team-based climate education series.” It was created specifically for women*, though all are welcome to participate in this upcoming series.
Each hour-long training session is followed by a 30-minute, solutions-oriented discussion group. The Orleans Wood-Convent Glen discussion group will be hosted by a local facilitator, Laura Reinsborough, member of the Convent Glen Orleans Wood Community Association’s Environment Committee.
In her day job as the Ottawa Riverkeeper, Reinsborough is committed to implementing solutions for environmental issues. Says Reinsborough, “I want to become better equipped to talk about climate change and find real solutions in our neighbourhood, so I signed up for this course. I’m confident that learning together, at the local level, will bring about positive change.”
Convent Glen-Orleans Wood’s Monday Evening Sessions (a three-episode series):
Episode #1 – October 16th, 8:00PM – 9:30PM (EST)
Episode #2 – October 23rd, 8:00PM – 9:30PM (EST)
Episode #3 – October 30th, 8:00-9:30PM (EST)
To register, visit:https://www.eventbrite.ca/e/talk-climate-to-me-monday-evening-tickets
Find out more at www.talkclimatetome.ca.
*Talk Climate to Me’s use of ‘women’ is open and inclusive of trans, non-binary, and gender-not-conforming people and their supporters.

Pumpkin Parade
Laura Dudas and her team are organizing a Pumpkin Parade the evening of November 1st at Louis Perrault Park (google map) in partnership with l’École élémentaire catholique L’Étoile-de-l’Est. More information will be posted on her website in the coming days – www.lauradudas.ca