2024 CGOWCA Annual General Meeting (AGM) Summary

The CGOWCA’s Annual General Meeting (AGM) took place on September 24, 2024. This is an important community event where members can learn about the Association’s activities over the past year, participate in discussions with elected representatives in attendance, and elect members to the Board of Directors.

Here is our president’s message (presentation) from the AGM:

View the agenda for the meeting to see everything that was discussed. This year featured a presentation about the Orleans Corridor Secondary Plan by Robin van de Lande, an urban planner from the City of Ottawa. Ward 2 Councillor Laura Dudas and Orleans MPP Stephen Blais also shared some news from their respective levels of government.

The CA members in attendance also voted to elect 6 new members to the Board, meaning the Board now consists of:

Josée Thibault, PresidentRe-elected as President
Matthieu Gagnon, Vice-PresidentNewly elected as Vice President
Daniel Lamothe*, TreasurerRe-elected to 2-year term; re-elected as Treasurer
Rob Attrell*, SecretaryNewly elected to 2-year term; newly elected as Secretary
Bruce Kelly*Newly elected to 2-year term
Lorna Lyttle*Newly elected to 1-year term
Currently Chair of Bridge Committee
Gillian Cantello*Newly elected to 1-year term
Member of Environment Committee
Arnold van den Hoeven*Newly elected to 1-year term
*Elected or re-elected at this AGM.

Here is the presentation on the Orleans Corridor Secondary Plan from Robin van de Lande:

Permanent link to this article: https://www.conventglenorleanswood.com/2024-cgowca-annual-general-meeting-agm-summary/

Zoning By-law Workshop – Oct 1st at Ray Friel

This fall, the City of Ottawa is hosting a series of in-person workshops to discuss the new Zoning By-law. These workshops aim to engage the community, gather valuable feedback, and ensure that the new Zoning By-law aligns with the Official Plan and meets the needs and aspirations of all residents. The workshops are an excellent opportunity for residents to learn about proposed changes, ask questions, and provide input on how zoning regulations can better serve their neighborhoods.

For residents of Convent Glen Orleans Wood, the most convenient session will be held on October 1st at the Ray Friel Recreation Complex. This session is particularly accessible for the community and provides a great chance to participate in shaping the future of local zoning laws. Attendees will have the opportunity to discuss specific concerns and suggestions directly with city planners, making it a valuable event for anyone interested in the development and planning of their area. For more details, you can visit the Engage Ottawa website.

Permanent link to this article: https://www.conventglenorleanswood.com/zoning-by-law-workshop-oct-1st-at-ray-friel/

Virtual public information session (Jeanne d’Arc Boulevard Transit Measures): Wednesday, October 9, 2024

Heads up to the community that there is an information session about the construction on Jeanne d’Arc near the highway on October 9th. You need to register for the session in advance, I know I will be there.

Get more information and register here: Jeanne d’Arc Boulevard Transit Measures | City of Ottawa.

I understand some people in the community have pushed back against this change, but I for one look forward to not having to turn left at that intersection after next summer.

Prior reading:

Permanent link to this article: https://www.conventglenorleanswood.com/virtual-public-information-session-jeanne-darc-boulevard-transit-measures-wednesday-october-9-2024/

Detailed Design Plan for Jeanne d’Arc Roundabout

Like many of you in the community, I have been following the news concerning the roundabout currently under construction at the intersection of Jeanne d’Arc and Fortune/Vineyard very closely. Last week, I spoke with Kyle Delaney, the project manager for the city of Ottawa, to ask for a clearer picture of the design of the roundabout which has been a hot topic of debate in the community.

I think there is a lot the city has got right with this considered design, and I think they have provided a diverse set of clear evidence for the decisions made so far in the traffic study, road safety audit, and FAQ documents listed on the project website.

Check out the detailed design for the intersection as it will appear when the project is complete next year. I hadn’t seen the layout of the intersection to such a level of detail, and I feel a lot better about it now.

Permanent link to this article: https://www.conventglenorleanswood.com/detailed-design-plan-for-jeanne-darc-roundabout/

Notice: Members Meeting – September 9th, 2024

CGOWCA is holding a virtual Members Meeting on Monday September 9th at 7pm.  During this meeting we will be reviewing and calling for approval of amendments to our bylaws, which are required to comply with the new Ontario Not for Profit Corporations Act.  A copy of these draft bylaws can be found on our website (New Bylaws 2024).  Any CGOWCA member is allowed to attend this meeting. 

A member is any resident who is 18+ years old that residents in our catchment area, or a property or business owner whose property or business is situated within our catchment area.  Residents wishing to attend should email us at conventglenorleanswood@gmail.com with their name and residential address.  Property or business owners who wish to attend should provide us with the address of their property or business that is within our catchment area.  

Permanent link to this article: https://www.conventglenorleanswood.com/notice-members-meeting-september-9th-2024/