Stage 2 O-Train Light Rail Transit – Jeanne d’Arc on-ramps Update (from Public Notice)
This notice is to advise that, as part of the Stage 2 O-Train Light Rail Transit (LRT) project, crews and equipment will be working on modifying the access to Jeanne d’Arc on-ramps at Highway 174, in order to create safer connectivity across the Jeanne d’Arc bridge. In tandem, there will be on-going electrical and utility work required prior to the construction of the new Jeanne d’Arc LRT station.
WHAT: The Jeanne d’Arc Blvd works involving the westbound ramps to the Highway 174 and the existing intersection north of Highway 174 will include modifications to remove the existing Jeanne d’Arc southbound to Highway 174 westbound on-ramp and replacing it with a new ramp that shares the existing bus only ramp. Future modifications will include a new squared off configuration for the Jeanne d’Arc northbound to Highway 174 westbound on-ramp.
- Construct a portion of the final intersection configuration including pedestrian crossings and leave the existing northbound Jeanne d’Arc to Highway 174 westbound on-ramp as is for the time being.
- Construct the new pedestrian facilities on the east and west side of the intersection.
- Construct new right turn lane for southbound Jeanne d’Arc to Highway 174 westbound on-ramp traffic
- Repurpose the existing bus-only access to Highway 174 westbound, to enable accessibility to all traffic.
- Remove the existing Jeanne d’Arc southbound to Highway 174 westbound on-ramp and restore it to a landscaped area once the works have been completed.
Future modifications are required and will move forward once the Jeanne d’Arc LRT station is operational.
WHY: Realigning westbound on-ramps access to signalized intersections will create safer connectivity for all road users including motorists, cyclists, and pedestrians.
WHERE: Jeanne d’Arc at Highway 174
WHEN: June to September 2020
HOURS: Hours of operations vary and are as follows:
- Daytime construction will occur Monday to Friday from 7:00am to 5:30pm for works outside the existing roadway including excavation, utilities, grading, and paving.
- Overnight work requiring some intermittent nightly lane closures from 7:00pm to 5:00am, and Highway 174 westbound on and off ramp closures from 10:00pm to 5:00am.
- Weekend overnight work might occur intermittently between 11:00pm Friday to 5:00am Monday.
All pedestrian, cycling, bus, and vehicular movements will be maintained during construction apart from the nightly highway ramp closures. Localized pedestrian detours and temporary bus stop relocations during the nightly closures and the weekend ramp closures are required. Temporary concrete barriers and/or traffic control devices will be in place to ensure safe passage for vehicles, buses, cyclists, and pedestrians in and around active work zones. Pedestrians and cyclists should use extra caution when localized detours are in place.
Motorists may wish to allow for some extra travel time, and should adhere to orange traffic control signage, posted speed limits, and instructions of traffic control personnel or paid duty officers when in use.
A City of Ottawa Noise By-law Exemption Permit is required for the overnight work identified above.
The safety of workers and the public is paramount, and we thank you for your patience during construction
Any changes to the duration or impact of this work will be only be communicated via the Stage 2 project newsletter. To receive these newsletter updates please sign up at Ottawa.ca/Stage2 and click ‘Connect with us.’ Be sure to select updates for Jeanne d’Arc Station. For other accommodations, or any questions, please contact:
Alison Lynch
Stakeholder Relations, Rail Construction Program, City of Ottawa

Covid-19 Updates:
Access to Public Spaces
Here are some highlights about changes to what residents are now allowed to do as of May 19th. For up-to-date information on the COVID-19 pandemic in Ottawa, visit ottawa.ca/covid19 or call 3-1-1 (TTY: 613-580-9656). You can also connect with us through Facebook (link is external), Twitter (link is external) and Instagram (link is external).
- Provincial Orders remain in effect prohibiting the use of play structures, swings, slides, splash and spray pads, wading pools and exercise equipment.
- During the first stage of reopening, Emergency Provincial Orders remain in place prohibiting gatherings of more than five people outside of your current household.
- Outdoor sports facilities and multi-use fields, including baseball diamonds, soccer fields, frisbee golf locations, tennis, platform tennis, table tennis and pickleball courts, basketball courts, BMX parks and skate parks, are now open. In addition, off-leash dog areas, benches, picnic areas and shelters are also open. In all cases, physical distancing of at least two metres is required.

Where to find Non-Medical Masks in Ottawa
It’s important to remember that even if you wear a cloth mask, physical distancing, hand washing, and monitoring your health continue to be very important. Keeping a 2-metre distance is important, but it isn’t always possible (e.g., in a grocery store, on the bus). Wearing a mask adds an extra layer of protection, especially for others in case you have COVID-19; it may also help reduce your risk in case others have COVID-19.
If you are going to a public place, Ottawa Public Health asks residents to consider wearing a cloth mask, as they may offer some additional protection to those around you where physical distancing is challenging.
Ottawa Public Health has a list of local options for finding non-medical masks: https://www.ottawapublichealth.ca/en/public-health-topics/masks.aspx#13-Where-can-I-purchase-a-cloth-mask-in-Ottawa-
We like this image from a US artist, Teafly: https://teafly.com/about/

Seniors Staying Connected during Covid-19
The Council on Aging has a regular newsletter specifically for seniors that tackles many topics related to Covid-19. Topics so far include: Physically distancing: How to stay connected, Food for thought: Getting the food you need, Caring for self and others, Getting out and about safely, Money Matters, and Finding the right balance. You can sign up for ongoing newsletters here: https://coaottawa.ca/sign-up-for-our-newsletter/. You can also consult previous editions here: https://coaottawa.ca/special-covid-19-updates/
If you are feeling lonely or isolated, remember that there are resources out there to help. A Friendly Voice is a phone line for seniors. You can call 613-692-9992 or 1-855-892-9992 to speak to someone. Every day of the year, trained volunteers are available to receive calls. Volunteers visit with the callers and, when asked, can help identify programs and services in the community.
For those in Convent Glen and Orléans Wood who are not seniors, if you have an elderly neighbour and are able to check in on them safely, we encourage you to do so. A note in the mailbox, or a conversation from the driveway extending an offer to run an errand or drop off groceries can go a long way for those at higher risk from Covid-19. Let’s do our part.

City of Ottawa’s Human Needs Task Force
As part of the emergency response to Covid-19, the City has established this task force to collaborate with over 50 community partners around Ottawa. There are additional supports available – spread the word!
The Family and Social Services COVID-19 webpage on the City of Ottawa site is a great resource for community members to gain up to date information on the City’s social services that have been added or adapted to support residents during the COVID-19 pandemic. The webpage also includes a collection of community resources available to residents in need. Content is organized into 6 categories:
- Childcare and online activities
- Information on emergency childcare for essential workers, virtual EarlyON programs, licensed childcare centres, and more.
- Financial Assistance
- Information on Ontario Works and emergency assistance, applying for provincial and federal help, and more.
- Resources for people in need
- Information and fact sheets on food banks, grocery supports, and meal delivery, who to call for help, mental health supports, community gardens, and more.
- Housing Services
- Information on emergency shelters, shower and washroom facilities and more.
- Seniors’ supports and City-run long term care homes
- Information on food, transportation and mental health supports for seniors, updates and FAQs for long-term care homes, and more.
- The Human Needs Task Force
- Information for our community partners.

Ottawa Public Library: New Curbside Returns and Holds Pick Up Service
The OPL now offers a Curbside Returns and Holds Pick Up service at six branch locations: Main, Nepean Centrepointe, Cumberland, Beaverbrook, Greenboro and Ruth E. Dickson during new hours of operation.
- On Monday, June 8, these locations will begin accepting returns; and,
- On Monday, June 15, holds pick up by appointment will start.
Find the details of this new curbside service here.
All other branches, including the Orléans Branch, remain closed.