Halloween During the Pandemic
Given the number of active cases of Covid-19 in the Ottawa region, both the province of Ontario and Ottawa Public Health have recommended that people find alternatives to traditional trick or treating. Keep reading for some creative ideas and alternatives to still have fun, while avoiding going door to door and increasing the risk of spreading the virus.
From www.Ontario.ca:
- encourage kids to dress up and participate in virtual activities and parties
- organize a candy hunt with people living in your household
- carve pumpkins
- have a movie night or sharing scary stories
- decorate front lawns
Author Maija Kappler reminds us on www.huffingtonpost.ca that even if trick or treating is not allowed, it doesn’t mean Halloween has to be cancelled. This article has several ideas including turning your home into a haunted house, doing a scavenger hunt for different types of jack-o-lanterns on foot or by car in your neighbourhood, or turning your whole meal on October 31st into something spooky and fun.
Locally, Ottawa Public Health is recommending we avoid trick or treating and have encouraged everyone to be Hallowise. Let’s follow recommendations from health officials and continue to flatten the curve Convent Glen and Orléans Wood!

LRT Stage 2 Update
Please join us for an update on the progress of the LRT Stage 2 in Orléans on Thursday November 12th at 12pm. A representative from the Rail Construction Program will provide an update and answer your questions. A representative from OC Transpo will also be joining us to address concerns regarding the planning of bus access to stations.
You are invited to submit your questions and concerns ahead of time via this event page, by email to conventglenorleanswood@gmail.com or within the registration form below.
The information session will be via Zoom and broadcast on our Facebook page. Register here to get the Zoom link: https://forms.gle/SYqisyEcph2mQ7jHA

New Pedestrian Crossover is coming – how does it work?
Our neighbourhood is in the process of having a pedestrian crossover built on Orléans Blvd near Cairine Wilson Secondary School. This will help everyone get across the road more safely and we all play a part in making it work.
Here’s an explanation of pedestrian crossovers from the Ottawa Safety Council:
- Crossovers will have a “STOP FOR PEDESTRIANS” sign.
- Some intersections may have flashing beacons.
- Cars and bicycles should approach the cross-hatched lane with caution to determine if any pedestrians are seeking to cross.
- Pedestrians should signify they would like to cross. The OSC recommends that they stick out one arm to signal their wishes to oncoming traffic. As always, try to make eye contact with a vehicle’s driver prior to stepping off the curb.
- At pedestrian crossovers with beacons, pedestrians should push the button, which will cause the lights to flash. Drivers, this is your signal that you have pedestrians crossing, and you need to stop.
- Drivers must wait until the pedestrian has cleared the crossover completely before proceeding with caution.
If motorists or cyclists fail to yield to pedestrians, it could result in fines up to $500 and cost three demerit points.