Hello dear website visitor. We are in the process of moving this website and its content to cgow.ca. You should head over there to get the latest news and updates, including the December newsletter. Bonjour, cher visiteur du site web. Nous sommes en train de transférer ce site web et son contenu sur cgow.ca. Vous …
Category: Uncategorized
Permanent link to this article: https://www.conventglenorleanswood.com/were-moving-the-site-nous-demenageons-ce-site/
Sep 03
Notice: Members Meeting – September 9th, 2024
CGOWCA is holding a virtual Members Meeting on Monday September 9th at 7pm. During this meeting we will be reviewing and calling for approval of amendments to our bylaws, which are required to comply with the new Ontario Not for Profit Corporations Act. A copy of these draft bylaws can be found on our website (New Bylaws …
Permanent link to this article: https://www.conventglenorleanswood.com/notice-members-meeting-september-9th-2024/
Feb 08
Carnival postponed to Feb 15
Brr, it’s cold today. We have postponed the Carnival until next weekend, February 15th from 12 to 2 pm If you want to brave the cold, the ski track around the park and the rink are still open for everyone.
Permanent link to this article: https://www.conventglenorleanswood.com/carnival-postponed-to-feb-15/